Letting Go

Ahhh, why is it so hard to let go and trust that “God’s got it”? Just when I think I’ve made all this progress and gained such strength… a new situation pops up and I’m overwhelmed. Struggling. 😝

This fall it came by way of leaving our 2 youngest girls alone while we traveled to a family wedding out of the country. One of them had just gotten her license 6 days prior! Most of our other kids were also out of town. And both the girls had challenging school loads to juggle. So I worried.

Where was the peace that God would be there? Where was my faith that He loves them more – cares for them more – watches over them far more – than I can?! Through it all, I was gently reassured and repeatedly reminded He was on duty. Scripture passages, sermons, friends and family sent especially encouraging messages.

Finally, opening my hands in my lap, on my knees in my closet, I laid it all down… again… and again. I was never reprimanded or scolded. Just loved because that’s all my Father wanted me to do- until it stuck.

Come to Me when you’re afraid. All is well child 

and it was.

ForGlorySake! –Anna

-Beth Moore

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