Far from perfect

I remember bringing our 1st baby home from the hospital and a dear friend told me, “Welcome to the wonderful world of guilt.” 😂 She was being funny of course, but she was also right, I did begin to feel guilty about nearly everything.

Whatever happened to go wrong with our little one, I felt somehow to-blame. Totally self imposed! And as we added more children and they grew bigger, so grew my guilt feelings.

6 kids have brought some big hairy deals! Going through parent-support with an outpatient  program, brought the biggest eye-opener. We learned The 3 Cs, repeated as a group: “I didn’t cause it, I can’t control it, I can not change it.” This statement brought me face to face with some deep rooted mom-guilt.

Then I thought of God… the perfect parent, with kids that are totally screwed up! He allowed free will for every child, knowing they were far from perfect. Each human reaches the age when theyknow how to reject evil and choose what is good,” Isaiah 7:16… yet we all at some point choose evil. Ugh. My children also have made some poor personal choices and the older they became, the harder it is for me to protect them.

It dawned on me that ultimately this protecting job is His! Only He can change a heart, because only He is perfect. He isn’t afraid or befuddled or without resources. He certainly isn’t daunted or worried or riddled with guilt. He knows me. He knows my failings. He’s always had a plan and a purpose. Therefore nothing is hopeless!

All the more Glory for Him as our precious offspring find their way… and so, I asked forgiveness for my shortcomings, opened my hands and let go.

And that’s where I live – guilt-free.

ForGlorySake! –Anna

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