The heart of the matter

I love finding hearts: on sidewalks, in fruit, in a stain or a rock shape! They remind me of God’s love for me. He’s always out for my good… if only I stop take notice.

Apparently God looks for hearts everywhere too. Hearts that wonder about His existence and those that actively seek Him… hearts that deny Him and those that pridefully reject Him. He sees them all.

2 Chronicles 16:9 –Certainly the LORD watches the whole earth carefully and is ready to strengthen those who are devoted to Him.”

Reading through 1 and 2 Chronicles recently, I was struck by how many times it’s recorded whether or not the will of a person was set on wholeheartedly seeking God or against turning toward Him.

God notices. He records it.

I hope my will is always found wholeheartedly longing for Him. I hope I will be found encouraging others to look for Him and believe in His goodness. May I be found at any time and in any place firmly set seeking. And may God write it in His Book of Remembrance.

“Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored His name.” Malachi 3:16

I hope it makes His day… just like He does mine ❤️

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