Rejoice in the Face of Suffering?

Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Romans 12:15

Those moments are hard. I found myself there yesterday just after we received news of my husband’s clear CT scan. I struggled over a public praise of God for such a miraculous healing, because I was strongly conscious of several friends still suffering, still hoping and still waiting for their answer.

I’ve been in their shoes. Other’s were celebrating, but from where I sat life looked bleak. When our child was in recovery it hurt to see his peers meet traditional milestones of success. I felt truly happy for them… but really sorry for us.

Would I have wanted their joy to stop?? No way! It gave me renewed hope just to hear the possible. Slowly I became aware that God was using this unusual path for some unique achievements and maturity. I could never have imagined all that have come from it.

This let me know rejoicing is ok, even when others are suffering. It may bring a moment of joy to those feeling hopeless. A friend (still in the hospital) reminded me of that today. I have cried for her and I will wait with her and in the midst we will rejoice over God’s miracles together…
because He is our God of Hope ❤️

ForGlorySake! – Anna

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