Addicted to Hope

I love hope. When I feel down I can’t stay there long. I’ll do anything to change up and scramble away from gloom. I’m like a hope-addict. Hope-filled people can offer such joy, they are treasures from God! Hope is life, like water to a plant… without it we’ll shrivel up.

I have met far too many people who temporarily lost hope. At least I prayed it was only temporary. It  dawned on me that if I looked to anything besides God Himself, my hope gets lost too. It starts to rise and fall according to what is happening. How can we keep it steady?.

Look to the Source: May God, the Source of Hope, fill you with all Joy and Peace by means of your faith in Him, so that your hope will continue to grow by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Everything else will shift and change, only God stays the same. I can have full hope in God because He never changes. God is Who He says He is and can do all He says He can do! 

  • Hope is the belief there’s more to come and I will see it
  • Hope says Change is possible!
  • Hope knows God is using me today and He will do it again tomorrow
  • Hope believes He has a plan and I have a purpose
  • Hope declares “He has gifted you to accomplish good works”
  • Hope holds God will use this  for my good and for His Glory
  • Hope is clear God is molding, shaping, refining me like art
  • Hope understands God is concerned… but it’s more than my happiness He’s after
  • Hope reminds “He won’t leave you or grow tired of you”
  • Hope whispers “He longs to be with you even more than you long for Him”
  • Hope repeats “He loves me more than I can fathom”

Hope does not disappoint!

ForGlorySake! –Anna

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