Changing Hearts Through Prayer

Sometimes we don’t have the clarity for our own situation. Sometimes we lack the faith to believe good is coming. When life becomes tremendously full and energy is completely zapped, we need others to help carry us.

I’ve been there. It’s humbling to receive, but its ok to admit. Ask for help! Without supportive arms I would’ve fallen flat more than once. Just a prayer offered on my behalf has been sheer life to me. Another believer’s prayer has revived, strengthened and sustained me.

Prayer is mysterious. I don’t know all the ways God uses it, but I can tell you the power is real and tangible! I will never again underestimate my own words to God for someone else. They are precious and holy. God treasures each word. He allows us to be part of a covering through prayer. We really do carry one another’s burdens.

When I know my kids (for instance) are stressed and overwhelmed I pray on their behalf. I stand in their stead before God, blanketing them in prayer, one by one. Then I wait expectantly to see the outcome.

“… a group of men who were carrying a paralytic had to take him to the roof of the house, remove some tiles, and let him down in front of Jesus.” -The Bible Knowledge Commentary
When Jesus saw how much faith they had, He said to the man, Your sins are forgiven.” Luke 5:20

When we lay down our loved ones paralyzed by distress at Jesus’ feet, He graciously allows us to be a catalyst of sorts. Our faith, through prayer for them, can initiate movement. I’ve seen it happen again and again. We pray and they receive help where it’s needed. Amazing!

Thank You, LORD for the incredible gift of prayer.

ForGlorySake! –Anna

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