Gifts from Losses

I’ve heard that the 1st holiday following a death is the toughest… Christmas is here and my parents aren’t. They’ve always been a part of our celebrations, and it seems strange not to have them around. Our joy over their final rest definitely outshines any sadness, but still, it’s been a loss.

27 years of marriage has brought a few to our family. Everyone has their own list. All those things you hold dear and take for granted until they’re suddenly gone. For me, ONLY God has been left to tie to. Total dependence on Him seems obvious and yet terrifying. Why? Because, I know He’s the One who’s been in control the whole time!

When life looks like a chaotic mess, I want to yell “You’re fired!”… yet I decided long ago He’s the ONLY One qualified to be my God. I can’t do life without Him!
Again and again in those moments of pain, I dove into the Scriptures. Why would He let this or that happen to us? Can He really be trusted? Did anyone in the pages of the Bible ever feel like me?

Each time my soul has been stirred as I read all that Jesus came to do… all because His Father “loved us.” My eyes see a bigger picture. God cares more than I can imagine. Yes, He is trustworthy, faithful and with me for the long-haul. Through my losses I’ve learned to look for mercies daily. I’ve learned to thank GOD anyway and trust in spite of the chaos swirling. I Hope beyond what I see.

” And so those whom God set apart, He called; and those He called, He put right with Himself, and He shared His glory with them. In view of all this, what can we say? If God is for us, who can be against us? Certainly not God, who did not even keep back His own Son, but offered Him for us all! He gave us His Son — will He not also freely give us all things” Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭28-32‬


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