He Does Restore!

I waited so long… 7 years in-fact. My “right hand, little brain” pushed away from me somewhere near 16 years old and didn’t come back until 22.

It was, as they say, a slow fade. So frustrating for any parent. Growth and change are necessary, but hard. Especially when you realize an unseen division has taken place. When I sensed an issue I tried several things: conferences, mother-daughter dates, heart-to-heart talks, counseling. Prayer, prayer, prayer…

But there was a barrier I could not get past. And life was increasingly and overwhelmingly full!! It was as if we were slowly being pulled apart… until suddenly a treasure was gone. Heart-closeness with my daughter had been lost. Tragic.

So, I began fasting regularly, seeking promises for return & renewal.

And God answered. In His time. In His way. He answered ALL of my pleas and more! He gave me back my precious daughter x10. More than I even dared imagine. Richer, stronger, and deeper is our bond today.

I understand the reasons now… we shared everything, even the really hard and hurtful stuff. It makes sense, but it isn’t easy to look back on. Instead, we decided to forgive each other, trust God with the past and praise Him for the future. He won’t allow anything to be wasted and that I will hold on to. That I will look for daily.

God IS good. He does restore. Praise Him!

ForGlorySake! –Anna

My girl

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