Coming out/Going in

….Well, we’ve done it again. Moved! My parent’s home (that we were all living in) is on the market and we are in our own place again. What an eventful 2 years! Sad to leave, I asked God to help me make sense of it, and help me see some bigger plan. He has helped me make order of all the chaos.

We are tucked in safe and sound and very happy I might add,  with our son’s wedding taking place TOMORROW!!! Mercy, grace and lots of prayer have seen us through. 
I’ve been overwhelmed at times, almost panicked at moments, then I’d remember Jesus’ words, “My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” The stresses and strains were not from God, they were my stresses, my strains; too many things I was putting on myself. 

His way is always calm, cool, collected. I had to remind myself again and again “there’s enough time today to get everything finished He (!) wants accomplished. God gave me a scripture to hold to during these exhausting 3 weeks:

“The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore. ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭121:8 

We have not moved far so lot and lots of car, truck, and van loads later… I can see that He did just that. Nothing was lost or broken and no one was hurt. Somehow in the process wedding clothes have been purchased, gifts wrapped and parties planned. To God be the Glory!!!

We love our new home. Now on with the wedding❤️❤️❤️ 



evening rest
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