Solid Evidence

My blogs are like a huge pile of rocks – a reminder of the things God has done. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to actually build a large mound in our front yard! But David wasn’t so sure.

21 “When your children ask in time to come, saying, ‘What are these stones?’…22 “then you shall inform them”… 24 “that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the LORD is mighty, and so that you may fear the LORD your God forever.” Joshua 4:21-24

Instead, I journal and blog and reread the accounts again and again and marvel and cry (happy tears). These scribblings/typings are solid evidence when I feel lost or alone or unheard or hopeless. It’s embarrassing to think I come to that point, but I do …often. And here I stop, seeing to my shock- that I have felt all this before, and God was so very, very faithful each time.


I’m glad I’ve written about my worry and desperation along the way. These are my truthful words, followed by God’s comforting hope. Sometimes the process was long and agonizing, sometimes quick and merciful, but always His love and care came through somehow.

He hears, He knows, He has a plan – has become my motto. And probably what I’d write on my big messy pile of rocks. Instead I’ll leave behind journals, blogs and stories my children have often heard 10s of times… heck, they lived through them. Hopefully they will pass them on to the next generation and possibly encourage some outside our family as well.

Grateful and thankful today,


 “For the LORD is good. His loyal love endures, and He is faithful through all generations.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭100:5‬ ‭

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Angels & Demons

Last Sunday our favorite pastor in Alabama continued in his series on spiritual warfare. My heart and mind were on the hostage release that had just taken place in Israel. I had been especially wrestling with Jesus’ words to love our enemies and pray those who persecute us. As if reading my journal he read these verses out and stated we are never to avenge ourselves, instead look and see who the real enemy is behind the evil. We worshipped and prayed for eyes to see and for protection from evil.

After lunch my husband drove us back to his parent’s home north of Birmingham. Traffic was tight and a speeding car suddenly cut in front of us. There was nowhere to move as this white 4-door swung left then right. Space opened to our side and my husband shifted to get away. Unfortunately that car shifted with us and we were again stuck. All at once the car slowly moved beside us and the driver-side rear window lowered. Unbelievably a pistol came out and pointed right at me. My husband yelled, “Gun” and hit the brakes! 

Miraculously, no one hit us from behind AND they did not shoot. His braking created a good distance and the threatening car sped off an exit. We drove on shocked but thankful. Had we done something wrong? Who were they? Why didn’t they shoot? We prayed and thanked God for His mercy! We asked Him to stop those people. We prayed for their change of heart. We asked God to save them and forgive them.

What a gift it is to know Hope and love and truth. How very dark and sad life must be without Jesus. I am absolutely sure angels protected us that day and I hope they were clearly seen… maybe it set that whole car full of people on a new path🙏🏼

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What time is it?

End of another year: months, weeks, days spent. Life lived, words spoken, work completed, meals eaten…. hopefully muscles toned at the gym. And in the midst always some difficulties. Thankfully, nothing life-threatening for David❤️

We’ve had a joke for years that came about during some particularly rough moments. I’d ask him, “Is it time to panic?” and he’d always say “not yet.” Sometimes I really thought it was time, but he’d keep assuring me, “not yet.” He was  always right. 

Going through my 25 year old, tattered Jesus Calling devotional reading the many answers to prayer (each dated) it’s confirmed. We could’ve panicked but our loving Father had a plan every time and all that was needed was to wait and trust Him. Simple.

Simple doesn’t mean easy. Trust takes practice… and trials seem to offer the perfect opportunity. James assures these happen for our good. Jude says the process will continue 🙄 until Jesus appears. Paul states the job is guaranteed to be completed. The least I can do is cooperate!  

As a new year dawns I plan to hold tight, trust His process and look for new miracles to come- Who’s with me?!

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You First

In the beauty of this season… in the joy of having my family close… amidst all the wonder of life happening… help me to choose You first! 

You are the reason for this holiday (even if we did’t get the date exactly right). You are the Founder of the feast and the Creator of all we call blessings. You were Before everything was and will forever have the Last word! 

Open our eyes and ears to what You’re saying. Turn our heads and hearts to You. Give us a hunger to know: 

“… from the rising of the sun to its setting – there is none besides Me. I Am The LORD, and there is no other”  Isaiah 45:6

What a jaw-dropping moment when this sinks in. More dumbfounding still is the Way You made through Jesus. Each free to choose. Help us every moment: to love You – to cling to You – to Hope in You. Christmas Eve and every other day of this next year ❤️ In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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10 Years!

How can it be ten years since my parents went to heaven? It’s a milestone that marks not only a changing of the guard in my family but of graduations, first jobs, engagements and marriages. The budding of the next generation!

Our immediate family did not shrink when my parents crossed-over, but has grown from 6 to 14… 3 spouses plus 5 grand babies so far. And those are just the ones we can see and count here on earth 😉 The Father has shown us the preciousness of life with each passing year. 

How grateful I feel this Thanksgiving. Each memory reminds me of how far He has brought me. Each face shows how much He loves me. Each moment that passes proves He is not finished with me. I’m thankful for every new day, anxiously waiting to see what He will do with us next. 

“Now may The THEOS of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans‬ ‭15‬:‭13‬ ‭

Our next dividend coming 2025!

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Little Cabin in the Woods

Spending the weekend cleaning out cupboards at my in-law’s, I discovered many forgotten treasures. Photos, decorations, maps (100s of maps!) even some never-given Christmas gifts. Each was a surprise of some sort.

I was overwhelmed by how much time has passed since I became a member of this family. It’s hard to believe 37 years ago I stepped through their door. So many celebrations have come and gone: birthdays, anniversaries and holidays… especially Christmas! 

Christmas at the log cabin has always been epic. Time shared, memories made and of course lots and lots of homemade food. Think large crowd, small space, everyone sleeping anywhere there’s a spot.  Those moments stand out in my mind but all the time here is special. 

I tried to explain it this morning. This home is a haven. A refuge. Like a lighthouse. It’s where we each come to find peace and feel love – be reminded of where we belong. Personally, I believe it comes from open arms, an extra chair and many spoken prayers with family gathered. 

As time passes the faces change.  Some of the decor does too, but the spirit remains the same. This is HOME. Not only for my husband’s parents but for all they welcome. 

Thank you, John & Debby 

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Nice to meet you!

If I met you this summer during my travels, it was a pleasure. If I told you I’d pray for you- I have! If I gave you a painting it was to see you smile and to say thank you. It’s what I have to give: a listening ear, a word of encouragement, and some tiny art. 

God has given me these gifts and I want to share them with whoever crosses my path. I really enjoy meeting new people, and hearing their stories. You are a treasure from God to me.

Thank you for sharing your life. Thank you for accepting my gift. Know that I remember your face and your words  even if I forget your name… hopefully I wrote it down! I lift you up daily before my Heavenly Father.

“The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance to you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

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mission travel

My husband and I have traveled a lot this summer! Some of it was planned and the rest unexpected. Heading out yet again, someone asked him if it was a mission trip this time. He wasn’t sure how to explain that for us – all our travel is a mission. 

No matter where we are – at home or abroad we are Ambassadors for Christ, everyday and everywhere. Our prayer each morning is, “use us” and each evening, “thank you.” We seek to share God’s love with whoever we meet and bring every conversation toward Jesus.

We have been surprised with how much more receptive people are to faith talk since 2020. I love to start a conversation and just wait for their “GOD-story” (who He is to them) then share about my Jesus. Sometimes that draws others to join in. I haven’t had anyone refuse a chat or prayer since that strange year.

What an incredible time in history. People sense the closeness of His coming. May each of us look for Divine Encounters today. Many are aching for the truth. If you are bold – you just may get a hug in response. ❤️Anna

Beseech the Lord of the harvest, therefore, that He might send out workmen into His harvest.

Matthew 9:38

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Never Changing

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and to the ages” Hebrews 13:8

Never before in my life have I needed these verses so desperately. To know for sure that one thing in my life is stable and secure and not anout to flip-flop or deceive me is gold. When I’m confused or disoriented all I need is a few minutes with my Bible to reset the focus. Solid Truth.

Each morning I thank the LORD that He is: still there! Ever present- in control- on the throne… knowing that in the next few minutes I will hear some more earth shaking, soul shattering, shocking news. This constantly-changing world is moving like a roller coaster. Hold on.

…YOU however are the same and the years of YOU will never end. Hebrews 1:12b

Peace comes easily, effortlessly when I trust that HE is who HE says HE is, and will fulfill ever purpose of HIS perfect will. Everything that comes will ultimately be for HIS Glory and even more amazingly for my good! Wow. Fear has no place to land and anxious thoughts have nowhere to hide. Song:

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, spread His praise from shore to shore! ❤️ How He loveth, ever loveth, changeth never, nevermore! ❤️ How He watcheth o’er His loved ones, died to call them all His own; ❤️ how for them He intercedeth, watcheth o’er them from the throne.

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Perfect Timing

I was particularly excited to cut grass this week. The riding mower had been repaired and I could not wait to go out and spend time praying in the field, calling out requests and singing praises! My thoughts were all on our adult kids. Big grown-up needs pressing. I wanted peace in the waiting. 

Suddenly I realized the blades were cutting, but far too high .I tried and tried to release the “deck” but it was locked. Instead of crying, I just keep cutting. Some was better than none. After I finished and parked … the deck released to the proper height. “Why didn’t You help me sooner?!” I cried. 

Starting up again I zipped back around, cutting everything to the proper height. Amazingly, no huge clumpy mounds of cut grass were left in my wake. That’s when I heard a whisper in my heart, “sometimes later is smoother.” I knew it was Jesus and He wasn’t just talking about mowing.

I’d asked for peace in the waiting and had been given an object lesson on timing. Cutting the yard twice took longer but caused less mess. Maybe delays to prayers had purpose too. Will we trust Him with His timing? Will we be faithful in the meantime? Even when it means “mowing” the whole thing twice? 

Just like that, I had peace. ❤️

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Killer Bees

On our annual anniversary trip we discovered a beehive right in the backyard of our rental – about 15 feet from the door. For a few days we were completely unaware, even walking under the tall bush. Then a visiting family member, standing too close got stung and jumped into the small pool close by! 

Soon we realized there was a cloud of activity and called for some help. The bee catcher was VERY surprised to find such a large hive. He explained these were no ordinary bees but aggressive “africanized killer bees”- meaning they are stronger, produce more honey and can attack as a group to kill. His advice was to stay back and leave them alone OR clear the premises before he could remove them. 

Full realization of a threat is a game changer! As with so many other minefields David and I have navigated in our 35 years together, this was a visual reminder that fear of the enemy is not wrong, it’s how I handle the fear that matters! We had nowhere to move to, so … could I now let go and trust God? This would require prayer.

Unique as killer-bees are, we stopped to list other impossible evils that had come against our family. God saw us through those deadly issues in such miraculous ways, surely, we determined, He would protect us here as well. I confess it takes focus and self control to  creep into the pool and relax. Psalm 91 and 139 have been on repeat❤️ Yet He has helped me again to trust and wait on His good timing.

The LORD holds me in a tight grip. (Psalm 139:10)

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