It's Not All About Me

Have you ever heard the saying, “children tie the mother’s feet”? I remember staying home with all my little tikes and can attest to that being truth! Tell me now, when did it happen? In the time my youngest started to grow and become more independent…when did I become so… selfish???

I have said for many years, “You die to yourself when you marry and again with each child.” It’s not really that sad, but it’s a fact. You die to your own wants and desires being met exactly at the moment you want them. There are others to consider now; It’s not all about me.

I’m sure there’s a reverse to this concept because as my children have grown and ventured out- so have my feet! Once again, I have a toddler in the house and he is pure joy, pure energy. I’ve forgotten what’s it like. No jump up to leave… or doing whatever I please when I want. I must stay where he is, watch what he’s doing and allow my “to-do” list a rest as well. Life is simple in toddler world. It requires a little planning, watching the clock and picking up toys. A different kind of busy.

My current stage of life is challenging mentally and emotionally. I think ahead in weeks, not hours. I watch the clock around school letting out and curfew. I’m still picking-up, but it’s mostly teenagers from school and clothes behind the the hamper. 

The lesson remains the same… it’s just not all about me and thats ok. I overrate what I want to do anyway 😉 Now, to slow down and sit with my big kids, enjoying something simple with them.

“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, Colossians 3:23


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One Response to It's Not All About Me

  1. landij says:

    I pray i always have a baby or two hangin off my apron strings. <3

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