Even there

Wherever I go… wherever I am… He is there, with me. Waiting to hang out and catch up. Hear my thoughts, ideas, concerns. Speak to my heart. I love that!

“If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand will lead me, Your right hand will guide me.”                 Psalm 139:9-10

As I walk down the street what a privilege it is to pray and praise my God for all I pass. So many incredible creations of His, moving around in front of me. Rich, poor, young, old, short and tall… they are His and His artistry shows in each one.

Do they know that He paid an immeasurable price to know them? That He desires to connect and communicate on the deepest level? That all of creation was made for them, the crown of His creating? Do they look up and see past what man has built, to what God made?

Oh what a gracious, merciful Father that allows for free-will, searching, trial and error… repentance and forgiveness and salvation in Jesus. What a God I serve. He is my LORD and my friend. I love all He’s made.

ForGlorySake! -Anna


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