Who I am

I am treasured. I am chosen. I belong.

For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for His treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭7:6‬ ‭

How wonderful to wake up and realize before my feet hit the ground: God is good and He created things for me to walk in today. He means good for me and He means for me to share His goodness with others.

No matter the place (at home, at a hospital, traveling…) God is there. He sees me and He knows all about me. He watches while I sleep and waits for me to wake and come to Him. He promises something from His hand, each morning, treasures and wisdom if I will only seek it out.

Nothing masters me when I stay at His feet, my full attention on Him and His Word. It is before God alone that I stand or fall and I stand because He holds me up! Romans 14:4. He wants me to succeed in my quest to discover what pleases Him.

I’ve been adopted as I am, yet He won’t leave me that way. He has enormous plans. He sees a hopeful future of total maturity. Yes, we come just as we are… but not to stay that way. We grow in Christ. Leaving old patterns behind and stretching toward Christ-like-ness.

I am a new creation, free from the bonds of sin. I am no longer labeled by my sin, my identity is in Christ. I’ve been crucified (dead and buried) with Christ and it is not longer I who live, but Christ Resurrected, lives in me!

This is who I am. A better than imagined me. His treasured possession ❤️

ForGlorySake- Anna 

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