Surprised by Snow!

What a surprise! The end of February brought snow to north Georgia. We were all so excited at even the prediction. Then the flakes began to fall and it was just incredible. Because it’s rare, its so fun… at least that’s what my friends who live up north tell me.

We caught flakes on our tongues and made tiny snowmen, threw rocks on the frozen lake, got good and cold and drank lots of hot chocolate!  Just the break everyone needed. Something different, something happy. Even if there always seems to be a lack of waterproof gloves!

It melted quickly, but no group could have appreciated the fun more. Such a reprieve and a beautiful sight. I was reminded again that in just a moment of time, all things can be made new.

God is full of surprises, and mercy, and fun. He is in the business of blessing His children, and we have been so very blessed.

Thank You!

ForGlorysake! – Anna

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