
24/7! That’s what it’s been since returning from the hospital and picking up a moving truck. David’s blockage cleared in a week without need of any surgery. Praise God! There is no way to tell what caused it, other than too many hours sitting in a car. He has given no restrictions so, we worked nonstop to pack up our home, clean out my parent’s home (keeping only what they wanted), and carefully arrange everything in one house. Whew!!!

It was dark by the time we finally arrived to make the actual transport of my parents. It had taken us all day to move their bedroom furniture and set it up. they would not be willing to leave. My sister drove them, while we gathered the last few personal items. Everyone was tired and ready for bed.

We finally arrived and they saw their new digs for the 1st time… tears flowed. There had been a little sadness earlier when longtime neighbors said goodbye, yet driving away in the dark had been easy. It was not our plan to run so late… God arranged even in this. Mercy.

All this to tell you: We are in! They are in! God has provided  for what He has called us to do. I’m learning daily, growing hourly. There is no doubt this was not a moment too soon. Adjustment takes time – something we keep repeating to each other. However, this feels right. we are exhausted, but we are both directed and covered. There’s a lot of care, cleaning and driving to do, but we are together sharing the load. Grace.

Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. Proverbs 17:6 NIV


The house of wicked will be destroyed, but the tents of the righteous will continue to expand. Proverbs 14:11

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3 Responses to Together-finally

  1. Nancy says:

    Wow! I know how hard you all have been working to arrive to this point! Don’t know how you do it all…smiles on your face. Well actually I know your atrog faith and sure that is how you do it all!!!

  2. Thank you Nancy. I could never have done all these things without friends like you… waiting and driving my kiddo! Your support has meant so much XO Anna

  3. Audrey, always the encourager, I will do just that. Come visit if y’all are ever around this way again 🙂 I’m so pleased to see pics of your grandbaby and upcoming marriage for another Hancock! Too cool -Hugs to you all XO Anna

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