Quite a Tale

Today, I found myself explaining to an old friend (I hadn’t seen in 10 years) who the tall brunette guy was in our family photo…

It never fails, the next question is always, “Where did he come from; how did you get him?” This leads to quite a tale every time! The one of our family and Ben, who loves collecting and bringing people home… and the many kids who have stayed off and on in our house… of that special one I wanted that God let me have.  

The next question is, “Where does Ben meet all these boys and how do they just stay with you?”… That’s a hard one to answer. It just happens and our family has rolled with it. Trying to explain, I end up telling about the Insight program, our involvement with that now, and the incredible kids we have the opportunity to meet because of it.

This unfolds further into what we have walked through and how life became such a total mess, all with a glorious outcome… that it was through the trials that God proved Himself, showing  His faithfulness, leading us forward one step at a time, providing sanity for the very moment we needed it.

To tell the whole thing in one big rush is rather -overwhelming, yet leaving anything out is to skip some of the glory. I remember living it, completely blind to what was next. It’s only now, looking back that I’m truly astounded by what God asked of us and how He provided for each need, one small step at a time.

What a tale: tragedy, blessing, hurt, healing. I can’t share it without a lump in my throat and tears of joy. I’m sorry if we meet and it just spills out, sometimes its too much to hold in.


an Etheriedge birthday
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