Scattered Seeds

Bright eyes look down at me. What a big smile he has. I love that smile! We had been watching a huge bird fly across the sky and then I asked him, “Don’t you wish we could fly like that?” I tell him I believe we’re going to someday. He stares at me, with a steady gaze. I reach out to his shoulders, facing him. “Are you gonna be there?” He immediately looks down at the ground, “I don’t know much about that stuff, I mean… I never learned about it.”

I tell him he can have assurance.

I tell him that God has made a way for everyone and He doesn’t make it hard for us. I explain the Bible says if you only confess with your mouth, that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. The smile suddenly reappears, “That’s not so hard.” I agree. “God made it easy, He knew we couldn’t get there on our own.”

We turn our gaze back at the bird soaring higher and farther away. “You know the best part? Salvation’s a gift. There’s nothing you can do to earn it. He takes you just like you are.” Quick hugs are exchanged and a promise to see you later. I walk away with a full heart, knowing that once again God has allowed me to participate in something bigger than I can comprehend.

Another soul has been laid at His feet for His cultivation. I rest knowing… for now, it was enough. How do we share the hope that’s inside us? Sometimes it’s straight forward because someone’s asked. Sometimes it’s how we’re seen handling the messes of life. Every word sprinkled with just a bit of salt. Being careful to leave some for later. Think of it in bites. You may offer one, the rest coming from another. 

“Thank You, God for the kids you bring through this house. Thank You for using me just as I am… flawed and utterly human. I’m Your tool for planting. Let each seed grow in Jesus’ name. 

ForGlorySake! – Anna


birds on a beach by anna
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