Show Me Your Glory!

Over our front door, in permanent marker are the words, “Show Me Your Glory” Exodus 33:18. They were written in 2009 in a moment of complete desperation for God to reveal Himself to me and our family.

David and I realized we had a child who was struggling with life. He was restless, unsettled, moody, discontent. there was an unseen darkness I constantly fought with prayer. In a moment’s time, everything came to light.

A neighbor opened our eyes to activities at our home with neighborhood boys. We were completely unaware. Imagine the embarrassment. All the while, we’d been sharing our hearts with these same kids… We were shocked. And so hurt.

Our focus narrowed quickly to just the family, sending everyone else away. With open eyes and a better understanding, we set to heal and repair everything we could. Onto this scene came David’s cancer…

I wanted so much to believe the worst was behind us, that this would somehow be a time of healing. As we did grow closer, more disfunction came to light. By 1/2012 we realized we needed outside help. Looking back from this side of everything, it has been perfect in timing. Each event opened the door for the next. God used everything!

Healing has come and I don’t want to forget. If I had large stones I’d pile them in the yard so our grandchildren would ask “why are those there?” and I could say, “Oh honey, let me tell you what God did!”

ForGlorySake! -Anna

Show Me Your Glory! Exodus 33:18
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